The Cable Crew Apps

Exact 3D Extract 1.0
*****TURN YOUR ANDROID DEVICE INTO A3DSCANNER*****Use your tablet's camera to create and texture 3D modelsofeveryday objects. This App works by finding the shape of anobjectand wrapping pictures around it (four pictures are usedforrectangular prisms and twenty-four pictures are usedforcylindrical objects). Once you have created a model you canthenexport the model into a variety of formats to be opened inyourfavorite 3D-modeling software, 3D-animation software, importedintoa video game, or even printed straight off a 3D printer.Modeltexturing can also be edited in app.*****DEMONSTRATE CALCULUS WITH OBJECTS OF ROTATION*****Draw any equation on an un-lined piece of paper or onablackboard, and this program will create the object ofrotationproduced by performing the disk method on the equation*********************************NOTE: requires a rear facing cameraNOTE: designed only for high-end tablets, may or may not workwithlower end devicesNOTE: .STL file format does not support textureNOTE: .OBJ and .STL only current supported file types. Morefiletypes to comeNOTE: For the best results choose a background color thatcontrastswith the color of the object you plan on modeling. Forexample, ablack object on a dark blue background will not work asthe appwill have difficulty finding the objects edges. A betteroptionwould be a light color or white.**Exact 3D Extract is free and will always be free withnocommercials, advertisements, or in-app purchases.****DIRECTIONS**This App will create and texture a model of asimpleobject.The program is preset to work with a turntable that turns onceevery20 seconds, but the front screen also has an option to settherotation time for your turntable.****Creating a Textured Model****1. Place your object in the middle of a rotating turntable.2. Launch the App and select options.2A. Select Object Color vs Background Color. This option allowstheApp to correctly find the edges of your object.NOTE: For the best results choose a background color thatcontrastswith the color of the object you plan on modeling. Forexample, ablack object on a dark blue background will not work asthe appwill have difficulty finding the objects edges. A betteroptionwould be a light color or white.2B. Select "With Texture" from the menu.2C. If your turntable has a different rotation rate than thedefault(1 rotation per 20 sec) set rotation time from menu.NOTE: This only has to be done once.2D. Select Shape type from Menu. Cylinder will work for anyobjectof rotation. Tap the text to continue.3. Follow instructions on App and place device in frame.3A. With the device in the frame center the target object whereyoucan see both the top edge and the bottom edge of the object inyourview.3B. For a not overly shiny object we found it useful to turn onthedevice's flashlight.4. Review your model on the model view screen.5. From the Menu items select an export method and export astype.obj (Obj files allow for textures).NOTE: Exporting a model as an .STL will not allow for Textures.*****Creating a Simple Model*****1. Place the object on a table in front of a solidcoloredbackground.2. Launch the App and select options2A. Select object color vs Background color. This option allowstheApp to correctly find the edges of your object.NOTE: For the best results choose a background color thatcontrastswith the color of the object you plan onmodeling. For example, a black object on a dark blue backgroundwillnot work as the app will have difficultyfinding the objects edges. A better option would be a light colororwhite.2B. Select "Without Texture" from the menu.2C. Select Shape type from Menu. Cylinder will work for anyobjectof rotation. Tap the text to continue.3. Take the required number of pictures4. From the menu select an export method.
HHSApp 7.0.0
The official Helena High School app